1200420L1-1 ESU 120e User Manual C-1
A ppendix C
System Messages
This appendix lists and defines the alarm and status messages that
appear on the ESU 120e screen.
Network Interface (NI)
Loss of Frame NI unable to frame align with incoming FAS /NFAS framing
pattern. Remote Alarm (Bit 3 of NFAS word) is transmitted out
the network interface. AIS (unframed ones) is transmitted out
the drop port.
Loss of TS16MF NI unable to sync on TS16 multiframe signal. Valid only when
CAS/TS16 framing enabled. Remote multiframe Alarm is
transmitted out the network interface. ASI is transmitted out
the drop port in TS16 only.
Remote Alarm Remote alarm signal (Bit 3 of NFAS word) being received at
network interface.
Remote MF
Remote multiframe alarm signal (Bit 6 of TS16 for three
consecutive multiframes) being received at network interface.
AIS Received Unframed ones being received at network interface. AIS
transmitted out drop port interface.
TS16 AIS RCVD Unframed ones being received in TS16 on network interface.
Remote multiframe alarm transmitted out network interface.
AIS in TS16 is transmitted out drop port.
Loss of CRC-4 NI unable to sync on CRC-4 multiframe signal. Valid only
when CRC-4 framing is enabled. Remote Alarm is transmitted
out the network interface. AIS is transmitted out the drop port.
Loss of Signal No signal detected at NI