
Chapter 4. Status Menu
61200420L1-1 ESU 120e User Manual 4-3
If insufficient time has passed to collect data, NA displays. Con-
tinue with standard operating procedures to exit the display.
When this menu is active, performance data can be cleared by
pressing Clear (Shift 9) on the keypad. Only the user’s copy of the
performance data is cleared.
Since only the user’s copy of performance data is cleared by the
ESU 120e, the data displayed here might be different from the data
sent to the network as PRM data.
Network Interface Errors (NI ERRORS)
The NI Errors submenu displays the types of errors the Network
Interface (NI) detects. A blinking CSU error LED indicates that net-
work errors are detected.
The asterisk (*) above an item indicates the type of errors detected.
The error types are the following:
Active Alarms
This menu item displays a list of current alarms reported by either
the base controller or any of the ports. If no alarms are current,
using this menu item displays End of List.
This display includes two lines of text. The top line is the alarm
source. The bottom line is the alarm message. A list of alarm mes-
sages is found in the appendix, ESU 120e System Messages.
CRC CRC-4 bit errors. This is valid only if CRC-4 mode is
BPV Bipolar violations.
XS0 Excess zeros.
FER Framing errors.