Chapter 2. Installation
61200420L1-1 ESU 120e User Manual
Subsequent ESUs in the chain are in a position to intake informa-
tion from another ESU. This in-taking of information from another
ESU in the chain is identified as chain in. The baud rate for the
chained units must match that of the first unit.
Unless locked out externally, the front panel can also control the
At this point, the Unit Initialization procedure is concluded. If the
unit is to be configured remotely, there are no additional items nec-
essary to complete prior to executing remote configuration.
The Passcode, the Unit ID, and the Control Port settings are stored
in a nonvolatile memory. This assures they are operable for subse-
quent power-up sequences.
After the unit has been put into operation with the initial power-up
and initialization, subsequent power-up procedure includes only
the Power-Up self-test followed by the request for a passcode
(password) if this option was selected during initialization.
Use the number keys to enter the previously recorded passcode fol-
lowed by pressing