Chapter 1. Overview
Express XRT User Guide 61202.153L3-1
Minimum Requirements
What You Provide
In order to operate the Express XRT, the following items are re-
For a PC
• Personal computer 386 or higher
• Windows 95, or Windows NT 3.51
• Approximately 1.5 MB free disk space
For a Macintosh
• Power PC or 68020 Processor
• Approximately 2 MB free disk space
• Macintosh high-speed cable
General Requirements (for both PCs and Macintosh)
• 16550 UART high speed serial port (16650 UART required for
data speed of 230.4 kbps)
• RS-232 serial cable with a DB-25 connector for the Express XRT
and the other end matching the COM port on the computer (do
not use a null modem cable)
• One Basic Rate ISDN line (two ISDN phone numbers, some-
times referred to as local directory numbers)
Single ISDN phone number and point-to-point lines are not recommend-
ed for use with the Express XRT.