Chapter 4. Application Configuration
42 Express XRT User Guide 61202.153L3-1
Figure 4-2
Protocol Tab
6. The Call Type should only be changed to Data 56 kbps if Data
64 kbps is not available in your area.
7. Select PPP protocol if configuring for Internet access using
Chameleon (or other Internet access package), or select Async
BONDING protocol if configuring for remote access using Shi-
8. Choose the OK button. The new profile now appears alphabet-
ically in the profiles list of the ADTRAN Express Configuration
Wizard window.
Defining a User Program Button
A button can be added to the ADTRAN Express Configuration
Wizard window to automatically launch an application like Cha-
meleon, ShivaRemote, or other data communications packages.
ADTRAN has developed a variety of technical support notes and
modem scripts for popular data communication packages such as
Procomm Plus
, pcANYWHERE™, ReachOut
and more. These
can be found on the ADTRAN home page (http://www.adt-
ran.com) under the ISDN Information Desk.