Appendix D. Loop Status Messages
84 Express XRT User Guide 61202.153L3-1
Getting TEI #2
The Express XRT is receiving its second TEI from the network.
Link Down
The network interface is not in sync.
Network Loopback
The Express XRT has been commanded to perform an ISDN loop-
back toward the network.
The unit is ready to make or accept a call.
Register SPID #1
The Express XRT is registering its first SPID with the network.
Register SPID #2
The Express XRT is registering its second SPID with the network.
The phone number just dialed is ringing.
xxxxx nnnn
A rate adaption is running at the bit rate specified by nnnn.
xxxxx Quitting
A rate adaption protocol is turning off.
xxxxx Ready
A rate adaption protocol is ready.
xxxxx Setup
A rate adaption protocol is setting up.
ISDN switch-type selected.
xxxxx can be any of the following:
Bandwidth on demand industry users group protocol.
Point-to-point rate adaption protocol.