Total Access 1248 Quad T1 IMA 48-Port DSLAM with Modem Installation and Maintenance Practice
5-144 61179641AL1-5C
Alarm Profiles Menu
Alarm Profiles
Main Menu\DSL Menus\DSL Provisioning\Alarm Profiles\
Alarm options for the DSL lines are completed by setting up profiles using the Alarm Profiles
menu (see Figure 5-98). At initial set up all ports are set to the default values in the “DEFVAL”
profile. This profile cannot be deleted or edited. Use the hot keys at the bottom of the menu to
view, create, edit, or delete profiles.
Figure 5-98. Alarm Profiles Menu
From the Alarm Profile menu, press
C to create a new profile. Enter the name of the new
profile, and press
ENTER. This returns the Settings for Profile: Custom Name screen (see
Figure 5-99).
The Custom Name reference indicates the user assigned profile
TID: TA1248 Total Access 1248
Unacknowledged Alarms: None
Page 1 of 96 Total Profiles: 2
Alarm Profiles
Profile Name and Assigned Ports State
1. DEFVAL Active
Host: 1-48
Client 1: (Not Present) 1-48
Client 2: (Not Present) 1-48
Client 3: (Not Present) 1-48
2. Custom Name Inactive
Host: None
Client 1: (Not Present) None
Client 2: (Not Present) None
Client 3: (Not Present) None
'c' to Create a new profile 'e' to Edit a profile 'd' to Delete a profile
'v' to view profile 'p' for previous page 'n' for next page
's' to select page
'?' - System Help Screen