Quick Turn-up Steps
61179641AL1-5C 3-23
30. Add the IP address to the network routers/servers.
31. Press
ESC until the System Management menu displays.
32. From the System Management menu, select
Test IP Address, and press ENTER.
The Test IP Address menu is displayed (see Figure 3-17).
Figure 3-17. Test IP Address Menu
33. From the Test IP Address menu, select
IP Address, and press ENTER.
The IP Address field is highlighted.
34. Enter the IP address of the default gateway to Ping in decimal dot format, and press
35. From the IP Address menu, select
Start Ping, and press ENTER to initiate the Ping.
36. Confirm that the Traffic Descriptor default values match the local practices and modify
37. Add the Service Profiles to the Total Access 1248 for the approved service.
38. Pre-provision the system using the information provided in the appropriate work order.
39. Place the DSL ports In Service, as needed.
TID: HSVL00001 Total Access 1248
Unacknowledged Alarms: None
Test IP Address
1. IP Address Not configured
2. Ping Timeout 1 secs 4. Start Ping
3. Number of Pings 4 pings 5. Start Traceroute
Selection :
'?' - System Help Screen