Protect PV.500 Operating Instructions
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5.1.8 Sequence Control Parameters
Switch-on conditions
Underfrequency, overfrequency, undervoltage, overvoltage:
The equipment will only switch from the “Waiting for feed condi-
tions” status to the “Operation” status if the feed conditions are
met. These conditions include the mains voltage and the mains
frequency. These values must be within certain limits described by
the switch-on conditions.
Voltage limit value for night detection,
delay time for night detection:
If the DC voltage falls below the voltage limit value for longer than
the delay time, the unit switches to the “Night” status.
Voltage limit value for day detection,
delay time for day detection:
If the DC voltage rises above the voltage limit value for longer than
the delay time, the equipment switches to the “Waiting for feed
conditions” status.
Inverter stack switch-on time:
The time for which the inverter stack is switched on during a start-
up attempt
Permissible voltage dip after switching on the stack:
Prior to the start-up attempt, a limit value is calculated from the
present DC voltage and the permissible voltage dip.
If the start-up attempt causes the DC voltage to fall below this cal-
culated limit value, this start-up attempt will fail.
Delay until the next start-up attempt following failure on ac-
count of excess voltage dip:
After the failure of a start-up attempt, this delay must elapse before
the next start-up attempt is made.
Power limit value for shutdown,
delay time for shutdown:
If the power fed into the mains remains below the limit value for
longer than the delay time, the unit switches to the “Waiting” sta-
Standard delay for a renewed start-up attempt following shut-
offset delay added to the standard delay after shutdown,
maximum number of times the offset delay can be added to
the standard delay:
Variable delay in the “Waiting” status Chapter 5.1.4.
Minimum DC voltage,
fill factor (PV system parameter):
If the DC voltage rises above a value resulting from the minimum
DC voltage divided by the fill factor, a start-up attempt is made.