Protect PV.500 Operating Instructions
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7.2.5 Network Integration Configuration
For network integration, you will need a free IP address for the
COM server, the subnet mask plus the IP address for the gateway.
This information can be obtained from your administrator if neces-
• Start the “Digi Device Discovery” tool.
• The tool searches the network for Digi modules. The modules
found are displayed. If several units are found, please select
the unit to be configured using the MAC address. This can be
found on the Digi module sticker on the COM server. If no
modules are detected, check your network and your firewall
settings. Run the search again using “Refresh view”.
• Select the required unit. You can enter the necessary network
parameters using the right mouse button + “Configure network
• Use “Save” and “Reboot” to apply the settings and complete
the installation.
• Exit the “Digi Device Discovery” tool.
• You can use the “ping” command to test whether the COM
server can be reached on the network.
7.2.6 Configuration of the Virtual COM Port
Communication with the COM server takes place via a virtual COM
port, which is implemented by means of a RealPort driver. In order
to do this, the RealPort driver needs to be installed and configured.
• Start the RealPort driver installation process. For this purpose,
the COM server must be connected to the network and the
network parameters must be set.
• The installation program searches the network for Digi mod-
ules. The modules found are displayed along with the config-
ured IP address and MAC address. If several units are found,
please select the unit to be configured using the MAC address
and select “Next”. The MAC address can be found on the Digi
module sticker on the COM server. If no modules are detected,
check your network and your firewall settings. Run the search
again using “Refresh view”.
• In the “Describe the Device” window, you can make RealPort
settings. This is where you need to select the COM port via
which the application is to communicate later. All other settings
can be left as per the factory settings.
• Select “Finish” to complete the installation.
The application can communicate via the set COMx port with a
baud rate of 115.2 kB as standard. 9600 kB is also possible as an
alternative. Between these two transmission rates, the COM server
has an autobaud detection function.