Protect PV.500 Operating Instructions
80000041664 BAL 67 of 73
At the top, a sun symbol indicates the current solar radiation trend.
If the sun is black or a moon symbol is displayed, the PV voltage is
so low that the inverter is in its idle state. An empty sun with no
rays also indicates that the PV voltage is still too low, with the in-
verter in standby mode.
The inverter is represented in the middle of the left-hand section. If
a fault occurs or a message is present, the corresponding symbols
flash on the inverter. The bar on the left shows the PV voltage as a
symbol and a digital value. If the bar is completely filled in, this in-
dicates that sufficient PV voltage is present. The bar on the right
shows the inverter status. If the inverter is feeding power into the
mains, the bar is filled in.
The total energy fed in is shown at the bottom of the display.
Examples of possible displays:
Figure 29 Example of operating display
The equipment is in its normal state, the inverter is feeding power
into the mains.
Figure 30 Example of operating display
Solar radiation is sufficient, the inverter is switched off. If the sine
symbol on the inverter is flashing, the inverter has been switched
off due to a fault or it is currently in the synchronisation phase.