Front Panel Operation - 4
Press this key to access the phase menu list.
Display Command Function
PHASE <value>
Set immediate output phase (
PHASE:T <value>
Set triggered output phase (
PHASE:M <char>
Select the phase mode (
Press this key to access the shape menu list.
Display Command Function
SHAPE <char> Select the immediate output wave shape
or CSINE) CSIN = clipped sine wave
SHAPE:T <char> Select the triggered output wave shape (SINE, SQUARE, or
CSINE) CSIN = clipped sine wave
SHAPE:M <char> Select the shape mode (FIXED, STEP, PULSE or LIST)
CLIP <value> Set the clipping level of the CSIN wave shape. This
specifies the point where clipping starts as a percentage of
the peak amplitude or percentage of THD.
Press this key to access the pulse menu list.
Display Command Function
WIDTH <value> Set the pulse width
COUNT <value> Set the number of output pulses
DCYCLE <value> Set the pulse duty cycle as a percentage of the pulse period
PER <value> Set the pulse period
HOLD <char> Set the parameter that will be held constant as the other
parameters change (WIDTH or DCYCLE)
Press this key to access the output menu list.
Display Command Function
*RST Execute *RST command to place the ac source in the
factory-default state
TTLT:SOUR <char> Select Trigger Out source coupling (BOT, EOT or LIST)
BOT = beginning of transient
EOT = end of transient
LIST = TTLT trigger (see Programming Guide)
TTLT:STATE <value> Set Trigger Out state (ON or OFF)
PON:STATE <char> Select power-on state command (RST or RCL0)
RI <char> Sets remote inhibit mode (LATCHING, LIVE, or OFF)
DFI <char> Sets discrete fault indicator state (ON or OFF)
DFI:SOUR <char> Select the DFI source (QUES, OPER, ESB, RQS, or OFF)
Chapter 4 of Programming Guide)
User defined waveshapes will also appear in this list when created.
φ = phase selectable on Agilent 6834B
value = a numeric value
char = a character string parameter
and scroll through the command list.
and scroll through the parameter list.
Shift Phase
Shift Output