General Information
Document Orientation
This manual describes the operation of the Agilent Technologies 6814B/6834B/6843A AC Power
Solutions. These units will be referred to as "ac sources" throughout this manual. Operation of the
Agilent 6843A is described for normal mode operation only. The following documents are shipped with
your ac source:
♦ a Quick-Start Guide, to help you quickly get started using the ac source
♦ a User’s Guide, containing detailed installation, checkout, and front panel information
♦ a Programming Guide, containing detailed GPIB programming information
♦ a Quick Reference Card, designed as a memory jogger for the experienced user
♦ Regulatory Test Solution User’s Guides are shipped with Agilent 6843A units only
You will find information on the following tasks in these guides. Refer to the table of contents of each
guide for a complete list of the topics.
Topic Location
Accessories and options Chapter 1 - this guide
Calibrating the ac source Appendix B - this guide
Front panel keys Chapter 4 - this guide
Front panel programming examples Chapter 4 - this guide
Line voltage connections Chapter 2 - this guide
Line voltage ratings Appendix A - this guide
Operator replaceable parts Chapter 1 - this guide
Operator troubleshooting Chapter 3 - this guide
Operating characteristics Appendix A - this guide
Performance specifications Appendix A - this guide
Quick operating checkout Chapter 3 - this guide
Rack mounting Chapter 2 - this guide
RS-232 operation Chapter 2 - this guide
SCPI programming examples Chapter 3 - Programming Guide
SCPI programming commands Chapter 4 - Programming Guide
Turn-on/checkout Chapter 3 - this guide
Wiring - discrete fault indicator (DFI) Chapter 2 - this guide
- GPIB controller Chapter 2 - this guide
- load or loads Chapter 2 - this guide
- voltage sensing (local and remote) Chapter 2 - this guide
- remote inhibit (RI) Chapter 2 - this guide