Front Panel Operation - 4
Trigger and List Control Keys
The Trigger Control key controls output transient triggers. The List key controls the generation of output
lists. A list can contain up to 100 points, each of which can specify an output change (or transient). Refer
to Chapter 4 of the Programming Guide for more information about programming triggers and lists.
Press this key to access the trigger control menu list.
Display Command Function
INIT:IMMED Initiate the transient trigger sequence immediately.
INIT:CONT <char> Set continuous trigger initiation (ON or OFF).
TRIG:SOUR <char> Select transient trigger source (BUS, EXT, TTLT or
DELAY <value> Set trigger delay in seconds.
ABORT Abort all trigger sequences.
SYNC:SOUR <char> Select trigger sync source (PHASE or IMM).
SYNC:PHASE <value> Set synchronous phase reference angle in degrees.
Press this key to access the list commands
Display Command Function
COUNT <value> Specifies the number of times a list repeats.
DWEL:<index> <value> List of output dwell times.
FREQ:<index> <value> List of output frequencies.
FSLW:<index> <value> List of output frequency slew rates
PHASE:<index> <value>
List of output voltage phase angles (
SHAP:<index> <char> List of output waveform shapes.
(SINE, SQUARE or CSIN) CSIN = clipped sine wave
STEP<char> Response of list to triggers (ONCE or AUTO).
TTLT:<index> <value> List of Trigger Out pulses (0=no pulse; 1=pulse).
VOLT:<index> <value>
List of ac output voltages (
VSLW:<index> <value>
List of output voltage slew rates (
User-defined waveshapes will also appear in this list when created.
= phase selectable on Agilent 6834B
value = a numeric value
char = a character string parameter
index = a numeric value that represents a list point from 0 to 99
and scroll through the command list.
and scroll through the parameter list.
and scroll through the desired list points. EOL is displayed when the
end of the list is reached. When a value is edited, pressing automatically
advances to the next list point.
Pressing truncates or clears the list at the
presently displayed list point.
Clear Entry
Index Index