Eye-Diagram Analyzer Reference
Displaying Traces
1 green
2 cyan (light blue)
3 purple
4 rose
5 yellow
This persistence works best with high values of N, typically values of 50
through 100. In this mode, no softkeys can be pressed until after EXIT GRAD-
ING is pressed.
Monochrome Grading Persistence
Monochrome grading persistence ( MONO GRADING) works just like color
grading except that a given pixel increases in intensity instead of color each
time a dot falls on it. There are 15 different levels of intensity. In this mode,
EXIT GRADING must be used to return to normal instrument operation.
a Apply persistence by pressing:
Traces, persist, PERSIST SWEEPS
Enter one of the following:
• If variable persistence will be used, enter the number of sweeps taken before
a trace decrements in brightness.
• If grading persistence will be used, enter the number of sweeps taken until
the grading display is stopped.
b Press one of the four top right-side softkeys to select the persistence mode.
c Pressing OFF can stop INFINIT and VARIABLE persistence at any time.