Eye-Diagram Analyzer Reference
Agilent 70820A User-Corrections
Agilent 70820A User-Corrections
User corrections provide a convenient method for modifying the display of
input signals. Some of the applications for user-corrections include the follow-
• Filtering input signals to simulate the effects of circuit design.
• Compensating for frequency and phase response of external probes.
• Compensating for frequency and phase response of external test setups.
• Compensating for the frequency response of optical to electrical converters.
To create and use your own user-corrections, enter the User Correction menu.
(This menu is located under the 70820A’s Calib menu.) The microwave transi-
tion analyzer maintains two separate user-correction memories: one for chan-
nel 1 and one for channel 2. After entering the User Correction menu, the
microwave transition analyzer displays user-correction data in the lower half
of the screen. The screen’s upper half remains dedicated to showing the nor-
mal display. Or, if the displayed trace is assigned to the data, the trace shows a
graphical representation of the filter, as the following figure shows. To learn
how to assign a trace to user-corrections, refer to “Viewing User-Correction
Data” on page 3-56.