Getting Started
Steps for Setting Up Eye-Diagram Analysis
Note Using the CLOCK OUT trigger signal provides faster data acquisition for eye-
diagrams. If the amplitude of the trigger signal is too large, an over-range
message is displayed. If a message is displayed, reduce the amplitude of the
signal; use an external attenuator, and enter the value using CH2 EXT ATTEN.
Select the Pattern
6 If an 70841A/B pattern generator is used, press READ PAT GEN.
7 The eye-diagram analyzer reads the settings of the pattern generator.
8 If a pattern generator, such as the 70843A/71612A, is used in place of an
70841A/B pattern generator, press:
READ PAT GEN, CLOCK RATE and enter the rate of the clock signal
CLOCK DIVISOR and enter the divisor for the clock signal
For example, when using a trigger or sync output, enter 16 if the clock signal
is divided by 16.
9 Enter the pattern repetition length by pressing:
PATTERN LENGTH and enter the pattern repetition length
The pattern repetition length is entered in bits or as the binary power depend-
ing on the position of the 2^n-1 ON OFF softkey. If the function is on, binary
powers are entered in the form 2
–1. This makes it very easy to set the pattern
length for PRBS sequences. When the function is off, the pattern length is
entered directly in bits.
10 Press PAT TRG FACTOR, and enter the factor that relates how many
repetitions of the pattern occur between trigger pulses.
Frequently, 16 to 32 or more repetitions of the pattern occur between trigger
Note When operating off a trigger or sync output with a divided clock frequency or
a pattern trigger, be sure to set CH2 is: to TRG OUT.
11 If a signal generator other than the 70311A is used, enter the precise clock
frequency by pressing:
prev menu, CLOCK RATE and enter the clock rate