
Channels can be linked to act as a stereo pair. This is achieved simply by pressing and hold-
ing an odd numbered channel's SELECT key and pressing an adjacent even numbered chan-
nel or vice versa..
When two channels are linked as stereo and one channel's parameters are different to the
other, one channel will adopt the settings of the other. This is achieved according to the order in which
you press the channel SELECT keys. For example, if you press the even numbered channel first and
then the odd numbered channel, the even numbered channel's settings will be copied to the odd num-
bered channel and the even numbered channel's automation data will be used. If you press the odd
numbered channel first and then the even numbered channel, the odd numbered channel's parameters
will be copied across to the adjacent even numbered channel and the odd numbered channel's automa-
tion will be used.
When two channels are linked as stereo, anything you do on one channel will be reflected on the
other (including level, EQ, FX/Aux sends). However, some parameters remain independent.
These are Pan, input source, phase invert and attenuation.
The channel's dynamics processors are similarly linked and any setting you make to one will
be reflected in the other. However, when a pair of channels are linked, the channels' sidechains
are linked.
appended to the channel number - e.g. INP 01 becomes INP 01* when linked to INP 02:
When a stereo linked pair of channels are selected, this is indicated by having an asterisk (*)
v1.6 Operator’s Manual