ROCK 1,2,3
Suitable for processing a wide range of musical styles that have
a broad band of bass and high frequency content and rhythmic
SWING This works well on material with a wide frequency range that is
not too percussive.
ALLEGRO 1 This works well on orchestral music with lively dynamic strings
and HF content.
ALLEGRO 2 This is optimised to handle bass content better.
ADAGIO This is better suited to slow orchestral material with long, sus-
tained notes.
Each preset has three variations A, B and C. The A variations make a more
general analysis of the original sound and although they process the selected
region more quickly, the end result may not be as accurate as using either the B
or C variations which make a more detailed analysis of the original material
(but take slightly longer to process).
Q2 - ADJUST - provides access to the key parameters in any one preset and
allows you to make adjustments to the preset with one, easy to use control.
Q3 - AMOUNT - allows you set the timestretch amount as a percentage with a
range of 50% - 200% (100% is 'absolute' and represents no change).
F2 [SLIP on/off] allows you to select whether audio after the timestretch re-
gion will slip in time or not. The key is a simple ON/OFF switch with status
being denoted by a simple (on) or (off).
Pressing PROCESS [F6] or the ENTER key will initiate the process. As with all
the off-line DSP functions, this will process the edit region and will automati-
cally replace the original with the new processed version.
If you don't like the results, you should press UNDO.
The quality of the processed result will depend on the type of source audio
material, the selected Preset and the Adjust parameter. You might want to ex-
periment with various Presets and different Adjust values to find the best set-
tings for the audio that you are processing.
This becomes more noticeable when when increasing the amount over 100%.
When you press PROCESS [F6] or the ENTER key, you see this progress display:
v1.6 Operator’s Manual