Pressing PROJECT shows this screen:
Here, you can see a list of projects which may be loaded into the DPS24. The list also shows
the date it was created.
Depending on the setting of the Project Info parameter in the SETUP / PREFERENCES, the
sample rate and bit-depth of each project might also be shown.
The current sample rate and bit-depth displayed in the project page is not a guarantee that all
of the audio associated with a project was necessarily recorded with these settings. If the sample rate
and bit depth of the project have been changed since audio was recorded into the project the audio may
have a different sample rate and bit depth.
To load a project, simply use the CURSOR UP/DOWN keys or le Q6 knob to select the project
and press LOAD [F6].
While a project is loading, a "Loading project. Please wait... " prompt is displayed.
Once the project is loaded, the DPS24 will take you directly to the MAIN SCREEN.
It is also possible to create a new, empty project from scratch. To create a new project, simply
press NEW [F5].
You will receive the usual naming prompt and you can enter a 16 character name of your
own choosing. Press OK [F6] to confirm the name.
You will then be prompted to select whether you want to reset the mixer to the default fac-
tory settings or use the currently loaded project's mixer / patch settings:
v1.6 Operator’s Manual