User's Guide HDSP MADI © RME
10. Driver and Firmware
10.1 Driver Installation
After the HDSP MADI has been installed correctly (see 5. Hardware Installation), and the com-
puter has been switched on, Windows will recognize the new hardware component and start its
‘Hardware Wizard’. Insert the RME Driver CD into your CD-ROM drive, and follow further in-
structions which appear on your computer screen. The driver files are located in the directory
\MADI_AES32_w2k on the RME Driver CD.
Windows will install the Hammerfall DSP System driver, and will register the card in the system
as a new audio device. After a reboot the HDSP MADI is ready for use.
In case the warning messages 'Digital signature not found', 'Do not install driver', 'not certified
driver' or similar come up: Don't listen to Microsoft, listen to us and continue with the installation.
In case the Hardware Wizard does not show up automatically after installation of the card,
do not attempt to install the drivers manually! An installation of drivers for non-recognized
hardware will cause a blue screen when booting Windows!
10.2 Driver Update
RME's driver updates often include a new madi_aes.inf file. Also the revision number of the
hardware might change (after a flash update). To prevent Windows 2000/XP from using an old
madi.inf, or to copy some of the old driver files, be sure NOT to let Windows search for the
driver! Instead tell Windows what to do.
Under >Control Panel /System /Device Manager /Sound, Video and Game Controllers /RME
Hammerfall DSP MADI /Properties /Driver< you'll find the 'Update Driver' button. Select 'Install
from a list or specific location (advanced)', click 'Next', select 'Don't search I will choose
the driver to install', click 'Next', then 'Have Disk'. Now point to the driver update's directory.
10.3 Deinstalling the Drivers
A deinstallation of the HDSP's driver files is not necessary – and not supported by Windows
anyway. Thanks to full Plug & Play support, the driver files will not be loaded after the hardware
has been removed. If desired these files can then be deleted manually.
Unfortunately Windows Plug & Play methods do not cover the additional autorun entries of To-
talMix, the Settings dialog, and the registration of the ASIO driver. Those entries can be re-
moved from the registry through a software deinstallation request. This request can be found
(like all deinstallation entries) in Control Panel, Software. Click on the entry 'RME Hammerfall
DSP MADI and AES-32'.