User's Guide HDSP MADI © RME
24.7 The Quick Access Panel
This section includes additional options, further improving the handling of TotalMix. The Master
buttons for Mute and Solo have already been described, they allow for group-based working
with these functions.
In the View section the single mixer rows can be made visible or invisible. If the inputs are not
needed for a pristine playback mix, the whole upper row falls out of the picture after a click on
the Input button. If the hardware outputs don't interest you either, the window can thus be re-
duced to the playback channels to save space. All combinations are possible and allowed.
As described earlier, Submix sets all routing windows to the same selection. Deactivating
Submix automatically recalls the previous view. The mixer can be made smaller horizontally
and vertically. This way TotalMix can be made substantially smaller and space-saving on the
desktop/screen, if you have to monitor or set only a few channels or level meters.
The Presets are one of the mightiest and most useful features of TotalMix. Be-
hind the eight buttons, eight files are hidden (see next chapter). These contain
the complete mixer state. All faders and other settings follow the changing of
preset(s) in real-time, just by a single mouse click. The Save button allows for
storing the present settings in any preset. You can change back and forth be-
tween a signal distribution, complete input monitoring, a stereo and mono mix,
and various submixes without any problem.
Also here, RME's love for details can be seen. If any parameter is being altered
after loading a preset (e. g. moving a fader), the preset display flashes in order
to announce that something has been changed, still showing which state the
present mix is based on.
If no preset button is lit, another preset had been loaded via the File menu and
Open file. Mixer settings can of course be saved the usual way, and have long
file names.
Instead of single presets a complete bank of (8) presets can be loaded at once. Advantage: The
names defined for the preset buttons will be stored and loaded automatically.
Up to three HDSP MADI and AES-32 can be used simultaneously. The Unit buttons switch
between the cards. Holding down Ctrl while clicking on button Unit 2 or Unit 3 will open another
TotalMix window.
24.8 Presets
TotalMix includes eight factory presets, stored within the program. The user presets can be
changed at any time, because TotalMix stores and reads the changed presets from the files
preset11.mad to preset81.mad, located in Windows' hidden directory Documents and Set-
tings, <Username>, Local Settings, Application Data, RME TotalMix. On the Mac the location is
in the folder User, <Username>, Library / Preferences / Hammerfall DSP. The first number indi-
cates the current preset, the second number the current unit.
This method offers two major advantages:
• Presets modified by the user will not be overwritten when reinstalling or updating the driver
• The factory presets remain unchanged, and can be reloaded any time.