User's Guide HDSP MADI © RME
6.2 Internal Connectors
15-pin connector for the included HDSP MADI Expansion Board.
10-pin connector for a connection of the Time Code Option (TCO). Not functional.
No function. Used to program the card in the factory.
Blue Jumper
The internal blue jumper X4 allows to change the voltage level at the coaxial MADI output. In
the lower position, the card generates 600 mVpp, according to the specification. Changing the
jumper to the upper position, the output voltage is increased to 1.2 Vpp. This setting is not in-
tended to be used in normal operation. But in case of a very long or 'lossy' coaxial cable, this
setting may ensure an error-free operation of the transmission line.
7. Accessories
RME offers several optional components. Additionally parts of the HDSP MADI, like the special
breakout cables, are available separately.
Part Number Description
BOHDSP9652 MIDI breakout cable
VKHDSP9652 14-conductor flat ribbon cable
ONK1 MADI Optical Network Cable, 3.3 ft (1 m)
ONK3 MADI Optical Network Cable, 10 ft (3 m)
ONK6 MADI Optical Network Cable, 20 ft (6 m)
ONK10 MADI Optical Network Cable, 33 ft (10 m)
ONK20 MADI Optical Network Cable, 66 ft (20 m)
8. Warranty
Each individual Hammerfall DSP undergoes comprehensive quality control and a complete test
at RME before shipping. The usage of high grade components allow us to offer a full two year
warranty. We accept a copy of the sales receipt as valid warranty legitimation.
If you suspect that your product is faulty, please contact your local retailer. The warranty does
not cover damage caused by improper installation or maltreatment - replacement or repair in
such cases can only be carried out at the owner’s expense.
RME does not accept claims for damages of any kind, especially consequential damage. Liabil-
ity is limited to the value of the Hammerfall DSP. The general terms of business drawn up by
Synthax Audio AG apply at all times.