12-hour automatic cancel
Thissafety feature preventsovenfrom continuingto operate ifithas been
lefton for over 12 hours. Ifa cookingfunction continues longerthan 12 hours
withoutany optionson ovencontrolbeingtouched,thisfeature turnsoven
off.Any time anoptionistouched, 12-hourautomaticcancel is reset.
F m
code Possible Meaning
F1 Controlfailure
F2 Oven over temperature
F3 Sensor open or shorted
F9 Door latch circuitfailure
DOOR Door has notlatched.
Oven temperature control adjustment
Yourrange iscalibratedat the factoryfor propertemperature. Due to
individualvadances and preferences, itmay be necessarytoadjustoven
once ithasbeen installed.
When firstusingthe oven,followrecipetimes and temperatures. Before
adjustingoven bakingtemperature,test a recipe,such as ready-to-bake
biscuits,bysettingoventemperature higheror lowerthan the suggested
temperature.The bakingresultsshouldhelpyou todecide howmuchof a
temperature adjustmentisrequired.
An accurate digitalthermometer isnecessaryto calibratetheoven. Store
purchasedoventhermometers do notaccuratelymeasure oventemperature.
Oventemperature can be increasedor decreased by35 °F. Toavoidover
adjustingtheoven, onlyadjustthetemperature by5 °F each time.
NOTE: Remove aluminumfoil from racksand oven bottomas this willalter
oven performance. Check for blockedheatvents. Ifitstillappears
oven is notperformingas expected, a calibrationmay be done.
1. Turnoven temperature knob to OFF.
2. Press and hold both arrow pads for approximately5 seconds.
3. A doubledigitwilldisplay rangingfrom -35 °F to 35 °F.
4. Immediately,presseither:
• • to increaseoven temperature by5 °F
• • todecrease oven temperature by5 °F
• When temperature isadjusted to a cooler setting,a minussign (-) will
5. When desiredtemperature change isdisplayed, release controland
change willbe automaticallysaved after a few seconds. Controlwill
returnto timeof daydisplay.
• Offsettemperature change willbe retainedthrougha powerfailure.
Service codes and tones
Electronicoven control isequippedwitha self-diagnosticsystem.
Self-diagnosticsystem alertsyou ifthere isan erroror problemwith the unit.
Ifelectronicrange control soundsa sedes of short,rapidbeeps for over
16 secondsand the displayshowsan F-code, recordF-code shown.
Some F-codescan be clearedby disconnectingpowertothe range for
approximately3 minutes.If the code continues to reoccurdisconnect
electricalsupplytorange and contact an authodzedservicer.