Care and Cleaning ( om,d)
To avoidrisk of bums or electrical
• disconnectelectricalsupplyto
• beforereplacinglightbulbmake
sureoven and bulbare cool.
• Do not operate ovenwithout
bulband cover inplace.
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To avoid dsk ofpersonal injury,
Wear gloves to protect hands
from accidental bulbbreakage.
Replacing Oven Light
1. Disconnectelectricalsupply.
2. Remove oven door ifdesired.
3. Whilewearing protectivegloves, unscrewcounter clockwisethe
lightbulb cover locatedin rear ofoven cavity.
Then turnlight bulbcounterclockwiseto remove.
4. Replace lightbulbwith 120-volt,40-watt appliance bulb.
Do not over tighten bulb or cover or they may be difficult to
remove later.
5. Replace lightbulb
cover and oven door
6. Reconnectpower
To keep your smoothtop looking like new, Amana recommends routine cleaning. The following general instructions for routine
and tough spot cleaning are based on the performance of Amana recommended products. To order these products, contact the
Consumer Affairs department at 1-800-843-0304.
Broil element
Do not clean broilelement. Any soilwill bum off whenelement is heated,
Broiler pan and grid
<_ Drain fat, cool pen andgridslightly.(Do notstand soiledpen and gnd in ovento cool.) Spdnkle with soap. Fill
the pen with warm water. Letpen andgdd stand for a few minutes
Control knobs
Pull offknobs. Wash gently with mildsoap andwater butdo not soak. Dry and returnknobsto oven, making
sure tomatch fiatarea onthe knobtothe fiatarea onthe shaft.
Outside finish
Wash all glass with cloth dampened insoapy water. Rinse andpalish with a dry cloth. Ifknobs are removed, do
notallowwater to rundown insidesurface while cleaning.
For heavy soil, place oven racks inlarge plasticbagwith ammonia and water in cup.Seal tightlyand allowto
stand overnight. Wash and dnse, dry thoroughly.
For heavy soil, clean by handand dnse thoroughly.Remove drawerfor ease incleaning. Be sure drawer isdry
before replacing.
Oven racks
Storage drawer