You may save time and money by checkingitems below beforeceilingfor service.Listincludescommonconcerns
that are not theresultofdefectiveworkmanshipor materials. Ifyourquestionis notexplainedbelow,contactAmana
ConsumerAffairsDepartment at 800-843-0304.
Topic Possible Cause Solution
Power outage
Appliance not working
Frequent cycling of surface element or
warming zone
Oven not working
Clock and time" not working
Oven light not working
Self Clean not working
Oven door will not unlock
Make sure appliance isplugged in.
Venfy thatcimuitbreaker is nottripped.
Replace household fuse butdo notchange fuse capacity.
Normal Element cyclesto maintain proper heat andto prevent
damage tosmoothtop.
Programmingerror Shut off powertooven for five minutes by switchingoff
circuitbreaker. Reset olrcuit breaker andtry oven again.
Power outage Make sure appliance isplugged in. Verifythat circuit
breaker is nottripped. Replace householdfusebut do not
change fuse capacity.
Loose bulb Check for Ic_se bulb. Tighten.
Burntout bulb Check for burntout bulb. Replace if necessarywithan
appliance bulb.
Programmingerror Shut off powerto ovenfor five minutes by switchingoff
circuit breaker. Reset circuitbreaker andtry oven again.
Oven isserf-cleaning Allow cycletocomplete.
Oven stillhut Will notunlatch untila certain cooler temperature has
been reached. Do notforce dooropen - willvoid
warranty. May blow coolerair on latchwith hair dryerat
coolsetting toquicken process.
Oven not clean after a self clean cycle Too muchsoil, grime leftin Wipe outand remove excess soil priortorunning self-
oven clean cyde.
Soot remainsin oven after Normal.
Locked light displayed Doorlocked If oven ishot, allowtocool rathe"than trying to force door
Display flashing Power failure reset clock Press CLOCK.
F-(numerlc) display Service code Shut offpowertooven forone totwo minutes by
switching offcircuitbreaker. Reset breaker, If continues,
contact service department.
Oven smokes the first few times used Normal Minor smoking isnormalthe firstfew times the ovenis
Food not baking properly
Food not roasting properly
Food not broiling properly
Oven temperature too hot or cold
Calibrata oventampera_re
oven has strong odor Normal
Not boiling or cooking fast enough Improperlysized cooking
See Cooking, Common Baking Problems
See Cooking, Roestlng
See Cooking, Bretllng
See Using the oven Control, Oven Temperature
Control Adjustment
Ovens will have a 'new' odor.Run a serf-cleancycleto
remove the odor.
Make sure pans fitheating elements. See CooloNare