Using the Oven Control (cont'd)
While oven is stillcool,remove any storeditemsfromthe oven cavity.
1. Place recksin desired positionand closeoven door.
2. Pushand turn oven temperature knobto =,
desiredtemperature. OVEN
• Oven indicatorlightwillturnon
and stay on. CLEANOFF
0 WM
• Temperature isdisplayedinthe clock BROIL
area in 5 degree increments.
• Temperature range is 170 °F to 550 °F
• Displaywillreturntotime of day after
approximately 15 seconds.
• To recall oven temperature, press lAKE
3. PREHEAT lightwillturn on duringthe preheat cycle.
PREHEAT lightshuts offwhen oven has reached desired
temperature and oven beeps.
4. Open door carefully and place food inoven.
5. Aftercookingtime elapses, remove food and turn oven temperature
knobto OFF.
li................................ .............................. .............................................................................................................................
Broilingsearsin naturaljuicesand providescharbroiledflavor.
To broil,center foodon broilinggridand pan and place on properrackin
oven. Do notplace aluminumfoilover boilingpan, oven rackor oven
bottom.Oven door must be fully closed. Broilingdoes notrequire
preheatingsoyou can place food inoven while itisstillcool.
1. Adjust oven recks todesired position.
2. Turnoven temperature knobto BROIL. ='
• Oven indicator light will turn on and
remain on. CLEANOFF
i WM
• BRL willdisplay. •
• Displaywillreturntotime ofday BROIL
approximately 15 secondsafter
2. Close oven door.
• Ifoven dooris ajar for more than
3 minutes, broilcyclewillstop.
• Ifbroilcyclestops because the door PUSHTOTURN
was opentoo long,close oven door and broilcyclewillcontinue.
3. After broiling,remove food and turn oven temperature knobto OFF.
I & w Nm ]
To avoidriskof personalinjury,
property damage orfire, do not
lineoven bottom,racks, or
broilerpan and gddwith
Toavoid dskofpersonal injury,
propertydamage or fire, never
leave oven unattendedwhile
Inmost cases, you shouldpreheat the
ovenbefore baking. At_erthe range
controlis set,the oven temperaturewill
begin toriseuntil the desired cooking
temperatureis reached (approximately
8 to 10 minutes). When cooking
temperatureis reached oven signal beeps.
How High or Low Can I
Set the Temperature?
Oven baketemperatorecanbe set from
170 °Fto 550 °F. Somen_morsmoking
is normalwhen usingoven forfirsttime.
Preheat Signal
After setting oven to bake and selecting
a temperature,oven preheats. When
oven reaches set temperature,signal
sounds. The preheat light will shutoff
and remainoffaffer oven has reached
the selected temperature.