Care and Cleaning
Removing Oven Door
1. Fullyopen oven door.
2. Push hinge locksdowntoward
door frame, tothe unlocked
• This may requirea flatblade
3. Close door tofirst stopposition.
4. Firmlygrasp bothsides oftop of
oven door,NOT door handle.
5. Liftdoor up untilhinge arm is
clear ofthe slot.
Replacing Oven Door
1. Graspingdoor topfirmly,seat indentation ofhinge arm intobottomedge
ofthe hinge slot.
• Doorshould beat thefirst stoppositionangle.
2. Fullyopen oven door.
3. Pushhinge locks up against the frontframe ofthe oven cavityto locked
4. Close oven door. Door Gasket
Removing Storage
1. Slide drawer out until itstops.
2. Remove storeditems.
3. Grasp drawer sides near back of
4. Liftup and out. Reverse to
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To avoidpersonalinjuryor
propertydamage, handle oven
doorwith care.
• Do not liftdoor byhandle.
• Remove storagedrawer.
• Door isheavy and can be
damaged ifdropped.
• Screwdrivercan scrape or
chiprange or oven finish.
• Do not scratch or chipglass
or twistdoor.Glass may break
Cleaning Oven Door
Not all areas ofthe oven are cleaned
bythe self-cleancycle.The oven
door, the gasketand area
surroundingthe gasketwillnot be
cleaned effectivelybytheself-clean
cycle. DO NOT use spray cleaners
toclean the outsideor insideofthe
oven door.Cleaner willstreakthe
DO NOT clean the gasket, Do not
wet, rub,soak or useany type of
cleaningmaterial to cleanthe oven
gasket.Any damage or defects
occurringfrom attemptingtoclean or
removethe gasket are notcovered
Toclean the area aroundthe gasket
make sure oven iscooltothe touch.
Usinga clothwith a mildsoap wipe
area needingtobe cleaned. Avoid
gasket. Gasket shouldnotbe
removedwhile cleaning.Do notallow
water or cleaningsolution to spillor