Cooking (cont'd)
Common Baking Problems
Ifyou begin tonoticeconsistentproblemsrefer tothe chart belowfor possiblesolutions,ifresultsare stillpoor,
contactAmana Consumer Affairs at (800) 843-0304.
Test your cakes for doneness
while they are still in the oven. Because
of variances across individual ovens, it
is best to test for the proper consistency
rather than solely relying on time and
visual appearance as an indicator.
It may not be the oven
Cake problems may be in the mixing of
the batter. Overheating can cause cake
structure to break down and excessive
shrinkage of the cake. Underbeating
can result in lumpy cakes that may not
be cooked thoroughly. All ingredients
should be at room temperature--not
out of the refrigerator. Make sure to
follow the recipes directions for how
long the batter should be mixed.
Cake stuck?
Allow cake to cool in cake pan on a rack
for 10 rr_mutes before removing. Larger
cakes (over 14 inches in diameter) may
take 15 minutes. If the cake has cooled
too long, reheat in the oven at 250°F for
a few minutes.
Problem Cause
Lopsided cakes Panstouchingeach otheror oven walls.
(bake unevenly) Batterspread unevenlyin pan.
Uneven heatdistributionin oven.
Oven isnot level.
Cakes, cookies, biscuits Oven not preheated.
too brown on bottom or top Panstouchingeach otheror oven walls.
Using glass,darkened,warped or dull
finishmetal pans.
Rack positiontoo highor low.
Incorrect use of aluminum foil.
Oven temperaturetoo high.
Pies don't brown Incorrectrackposition.
Using shinymetal pans.
Temperatureset too low.
Cakes not done In center Temperaturetoo high.
Pan too small.
Baking timetoo short.
Pan not centered in oven.
Cakes fall
Excessive shrinkage
Cakes high In middle
or cracked
Too much shorteningor sugar.
Too much or too littleliquid.
Temperaturetoo low.
Old ortoo littlebaking powder.
Pan too small,
Oven dooropened frequently(peeking).
Too littleleavening.
Mixingbattertoo long.
Pan too large.
Oven temperature too high.
Bakingtime too long.
Temperature set too high.
Too much flour.
Pans touchingeach otheror ovenwalls.