This menu contains an external FM status window
that shows the current menu selections and the
measured FM Deviation. (The FM deviation meas
urement function measures the voltage of the exter
nal modulation signal and calculates the peak
frequency deviation.) This menu lets you perform
the following:
Turn FM on/off.
Set the FM sensitivity.
Select the input impedance (600W or 50W)of
the input connector.
Select the input connector (front panel or rear
panel FM IN) that is connected to the external
signal source.
Press On/Off to turn FM on and off. Both the FM
status display and FM modulation status area will
reflect your selection.
Press Edit Sens to open the FM Sensitivity pa
rameter, then edit the current value using the cur
sor control key or rotary data knob or enter a new
value using the keypad and the appropriate termi
nator key. The FM Sensitivity range is ±10 kHz/V to
±20 MHz/V for Locked and Unlocked Narrow FM
modes and ±100 kHz/V to ±100 MHz/V for Unlocked
Wide FM mode. To close the open FM Sensitivity pa
rameter, press Edit Sens or make another menu se
Press 600W/50W to select the input impedance of
the input connector. The FM status display will
reflect your selection.
Press Front/Rear to select the front or rear panel
FM IN connector. The FM status display will reflect
your selection.
3-76 681XXC OM
This error message is displayed
when the external FM modulating
signal exceeds the input voltage
range. The message “Reduce FM
Input Level” also appears at the bot
tom of the FM status display. FM is
turned off untilthe modulating sig
nal is within the input voltage