Table of Contents
3-1 INTRODUCTION ...................3-5
3-2 FRONT PANEL LAYOUT...............3-6
Line Key ....................3-6
Data Display Area ................3-6
Data Entry Area.................3-7
RF Output Control Key .............3-7
Connectors ...................3-7
3-3 DATA DISPLAY AREA ................3-8
Menu Display Format ..............3-9
Menu Keys ...................3-10
3-4 DATA ENTRY AREA.................3-12
3-5 INSTRUMENT START-UP .............3-14
Powering Up the 681XXC............3-14
Start-Up Display ................3-14
Standby Operation ...............3-14
Self-Testing the 681XXC ............3-15
Resetting to Default Parameters ........3-15
3-6 ENTERING DATA ..................3-18
Opening the Parameter .............3-18
Editing the Current Value ...........3-19
Entering a New Value .............3-20
Chapter 3
Local (Front Panel) Operation