Master-slave operation consists of connecting any two 68XXXC and/or
68XXXB instruments together and configuring them so that they pro
duce CW and synchronized, swept output signals at an operator-
selectable frequency offset. One instrument (the Master) controls the
other (the Slave) via interface cables between their rear panel AUX I/O
and SERIAL I/O connectors. The two units are phase-locked together
by connecting them to the same 10 MHz reference time base.
the Instru
Connect the two instruments, shown in Figure 7-1,
as follows:
Step 1 Connect the 3-port AUX I/O cable end la
beled “MASTER” to the rear panel AUX
I/O connector on the Master instrument.
Connect the AUX I/O cable labeled
“SLAVE” to the rear panel AUX I/O con
nector on the Slave instrument.
Step 2 Connect the ends of the flat interface ca
ble to the rear panel Serial I/O connectors
on the Master and Slave instruments.
Step 3 Connect one end of a coaxial cable to the
rear panel 10 MHz REF OUT connector on
the Master instrument. Connect the other
end to the rear panel 10 MHz REF IN con
nector on the Slave instrument.
7-4 681XXC OM
Figure 7-1. 68XXXB/68XXXC Configuration for Master-Slave Operation
When connecting two instruments
together for Master-Slave opera
tions, always use a Anritsu
Master-Slave interface cable set,
Part No. ND36329.
If a Model 56100A Scalar Network
Analyzer is being used with the
master-slave configuration, (1) con
nect the AUX I/O cable end labeled
“SNA” to the rear panel AUX I/O
connector on the 56100A SNA and
(2) connect a dedicated system bus
cable (P/N 2100-1) between the
Master instrument rear panel
IEEE-488 GPIB connector and the
56100A SNA rear panel DEDI
CATED GPIB connector.