
This phrase is in D Major and, if all the pitch errors were no greater than
about 49 cents, would work fine with a standard D Major scale (D, E, F
, G,
A, B, C
). However, the pitch error of three semitones at the end of the
last note is so large that with B and C
present in the Scale, as the pitch
fell, the ATR-1a would see first C
and then B as the target pitch and
therefore allow the error to remain. With C
and B removed from the Scale,
the ATR-1a continues to see D as the target pitch for the entire duration
of the note and therefore pulls the phrase up to the correct pitch.
Vibrato Page
Prog:XX Dpth Rt Dly
yyyyyy xxx zzz dddd
These parameters allow you to superimpose a vibrato (periodic pitch
variation) onto the output sound. The yyyyyy field allows you to select the
shape of the vibratos pitch variation through time. The choices are: (off),
SINE, SQUARE and SAW (sawtooth).
The Dpth (Depth) control varies from 0 to 100 cents, controlling the
amount of pitch variation in the vibrato. The vibrato depth can also be
modulated (controlled) by the MIDI MOD WHEEL input.
Note: The Depth setting is used by the MIDI Mod Wheel controller to define
the maximum modulation. You must have the Depth set to a positive
value and the wave type set to SINE, SQUARE or SAW in order for Mod
Wheel control to work.
The Rt (Rate) control varies from .1 to 9.7 Hz and controls the speed of the
The Dly (Delay) control varies from 0 to 3500 milliseconds, and controlls
the time between the beginning of a new note and the full onset of the
vibrato. For example, if Delay is set to 1000, the first 500 milliseconds of a
new note will contain no vibrato and the next 500 milliseconds will make
a transition from no vibrato to the full vibrato.
The vibrato is restarted each time the ATR-1a detects a new attack (i.e.,
input is detected after some finite period of silence). As long as the input
is sustained without interruption, changing pitch will not restart the
vibrato delay. The vibrato is applied after the effects of the SPEED control.
Hence, even with a slow SPEED value of 10, a SQUARE wave vibrato will
still result in instantaneous changes in pitch.