MIDI Page 3
These next two MIDI Control pages allow you to assign various MIDI
controllers to set selected ATR-1a parameters in real time. (Note that all
MIDI controller data must be sent on the MIDI Channel set on MIDI Page 1
in order to be recognized.)
Midi Speed Step
Control aaa bbb
Assigning a MIDI Continuous Controller to the Speed parameter allows
that controller to override the current Program or Song Speed setting.
Note that this is simply a temporary override. The Program or Song’s
programmed setting is not affected. Changing to another Program or
Song will cause that Program’s or Song’s Speed parameter to be used.
The available values for this field are OFF or controller numbers 14 to 31.
Step allows the MIDI Data Increment controller (#96) to be used to control
stepping from Program to Program in Program Mode, or stepping among
Song Items in Song mode. The values which can be selected are OFF or 96.
MIDI Page 4
Midi Vib Rate Delay
Control aaa bbb
These parameters allow realtime MIDI control of Vibrato Rate and Delay.
Again, these are simply temporary overrides. The Program’s or Song’s
programmed settings are not affected. Changing to another Program or
Song will cause that Program’s or Song’s Vibrato parameters to be used.
The available values for these fields are “OFF” or controller numbers
14 to 31.