
When editing System parameters, you progress from one edit page to the
next by pressing the PAGE button.
After you have finished making changes, press the SYSTEM button again.
Unlike Program and Song editing, you are not prompted to save the
changes, they are automatically saved for you.
Bass Mode Page
Bass Mode
When operating in its normal mode, the ATR-1a is reliably able to detect
pitches down to A0 (55Hz). Turning Bass Mode ON lowers the lowest
detectable frequency by about one octave to 25Hz. Since the lowest E
string on a bass guitar is approximately 41Hz, Bass Mode (as its name so
ably implies) allows you to apply pitch correction to those pesky fretless
bass lines as well as other low bass range instruments.
Note: When Bass Mode is enabled, pitches above A4 may be incorrectly tuned
by a perfect fifth. Consequently, its a good idea to enable Bass Mode
only while working on pitch correcting bass range instruments and then
turn it OFF again when finished.
Sensitivity and LCD Page
Sensitivity LCD
aa bb
The Sensitivity parameter ranges from 0 to 25 and controls exactly what
its name implies. At settings of 09, you will be rude and boorish to those
who love you most, wish harm upon small furry animals, and enjoy the
Jerry Springer Show. From 1020 you will (in varying degrees), see the
good in every situation, cry openly in public (especially if you are male),
and be in close touch with your inner child. From 2125 youll be in close
touch with everybodys inner child.
OK, were kidding about that. (And those of you who are not in the USA,
please forgive the North American-centric references.)
Actually, in order to accurately identify the pitch of the input, the ATR-1a
requires a periodically repeating waveform, characteristic of a voice or
solo instrument. The Sensitivity control determines how much variation is
allowed in the incoming waveform for the ATR-1a to still consider it periodic.