
10.4.7 Log
This command is used to configure log server Log log-server
This command is used to configure log server
1) Log log-server name <WORD>add
This command is used to specify log server name, enter a name, up to 12
characters, add a log server IP address
Format Log log-server name <WORD> add ipaddr word
Mode Global Config
2) Log log-server name <word> delete
This command is used to delete a log server
Format log log-server name <WORD> delete
Mode Global Config Log logging-target
This command is used to configure log notification level
1) log logging-target memory
This command is used to specify memory log notify-level
Format log logging-target memory {enable|disable}
Mode Global Config
2) log logging-target flash
This command is used to specify flash log notify-level
Format log logging-target flash {enable|disable}
Mode Privileged Mode
3) log logging-target console
This command is used to specify console log notify-level
Format log logging-target console {enable|disable}
Mode Global Config
4) log logging-target server
This command is used to specify console log notify-level
Format log logging-target server name <WORD> {enable|disable}
Mode Global Config
10.4.8 radius-server
This command is used to configure radius server
Format radius-server ip <IP addr>
Mode Global Config
10.4.9 static-address
This command is used to specify static address static-address add
This command is used to add static mac address
Format static-address add <mac addr> vid <vlan-ID> port <port-ID>
Mode Global Config static-address delete
This command is used to delete static mac address
Format static-address delete <mac addr> vid <vlan-ID>
Mode Global Config
10.4.10 mgmt-accesslist commands mgmt-accesslist ipaddr
This command specifies a management access IP for the DUT, up to 8 IP
address can be set.
Format mgmt-accesslist ipaddr <IP addr>
Mode Global Config mgmt-accesslist enable
This command enables management access list. Only the IP address
specified in the management list is allowed to access DUT.
Format mgmt-accesslist enable
120 Asante IntraCore IC39240/480 User’s Manual