
sequence to recall successively more recent commands.
4.6 Using Command-Line Editing Features and Shortcuts
A variety of shortcuts and editing features are enabled for the CLI command-line interface. The following subsections
describe these features:
Moving Around on the Command Line
Completing a Partial Command Name
Editing Command Lines that Wrap
Deleting Entries
Scrolling Down a Line or a Screen
Redisplaying the Current Command Line
Transposing Mistyped Characters
Controlling Capitalization
4.6.1 Moving Around on the Command Line
Use the following keystrokes to move the cursor around on the command line in order to make corrections or
Keystrokes Purpose
Press the left arrow. Move the cursor back one character.
Press the right arrow. Move the cursor forward one character.
Note: The arrow keys function only on ANSI-compatible terminals such as VT100s.
32 Asante IntraCore IC39240/480 User’s Manual