
Switch(Config)# vlan add number 4
Switch(Config)# vlan port ports port-configure 2 untagged 11-14
Switch(Config)# vlan port ports port-configure 1 exclude 11-14
7.2.2 Trunk (IEEE 802.1q)
By default, a trunk port is a member of all VLANs.
Use the following commands, beginning in configuration mode, to assign an IEEE 802.1q trunk port:
Command Purpose
interface IFNUMBER
Enter the interface number to access the interface configuration mode.
Vlan participation
This command designates the interface to be a member of a vlan
Use the no form of this command to reset to the default of static-
access mode.
Continue with the example in previous section, the commands below are used to make port 20 an IEEE 802.1q trunk
Switch(Config)# interface 20
Switch(Interface 20)# vlan participation tagged 2
Switch(Interface 20)# vlan participation tagged 3
Switch(Interface 20)# vlan participation tagged 4
55 Asante IntraCore IC39240/480 User’s Manual