Page 9-3
VLAN Management
Overview Your IntraSwitch supports use of a Virtual LAN on all ports. A
Virtual LAN, or VLAN, is a logically separated segment of your
LAN. A VLAN segment is different from a standard ethernet seg-
ment; it contains a limited number of devices, whose traffic is
isolated from that of the rest of the LAN. The “member” devices
of each VLAN are defined by port grouping. You can use your
Local Management Interface to set up a Virtual LAN and add
ports to it or remove ports from it.
By default, all ports on the IntraSwitch are included in a single
VLAN, VLAN 1. In this configuration, there is no separation or
organization of devices into groups, so all network traffic runs
on all parts of the net.
If you need to isolate a group of users who move large files over
the net, or a group of users who have special security needs,
create a VLAN for them as described in this chapter.
If you need to shield a group of high-priority users from back-
ground network traffic such as that caused by broadcasts or
“chatty protocol” overhead traffic, you can create a VLAN for
them, also.
The present version of the IntraSwitch supports port-based
VLANs with manual VLAN configuration. The following are the
basic VLAN features supported:
❏ 15 VLAN Groups (Segments)
❏ VLAN untagged ports (also called normal ports)
❏ VLAN tagged ports (also called expansion ports)
❏ Management VLAN
❏ Single STP (Spanning Tree Protocol)
❏ Console Management of VLANs
❏ SNMP based VLAN management
6216M Book Page 3 Wednesday, January 27, 1999 5:26 PM