VLAN Port Attribute Configuration
Page 9-13
∆ Note: The Port VID field on the "system Port
VLAN Map" screen represents the port's VID
when untagged. When tagged, the port’s VID has
no significance and is displayed as "----".
Return to Configura-
tion Menu
Press q on the VLAN Configuration menu to return to the
overall Configuration menu for the switch.
This section explains how to configure VLAN attributes for
individual ports of your IntraSwitch using either an out-of-band
Console or in-band Telnet connection.
To configure these attributes, access the VLAN Configuration
Menu as described in the previous section, then type c to
display the VLAN Port Attribute Configuration Menu as shown
in Figure 9-2.
Figure 9-2 VLAN Port Attribute Configuration Screen
VLAN Port Attribute Configuration Menu
Port VLAN Group # Port Tagging
Number 1 9 VID
2 *---------*-------- ------ Enabled
<Cmd> <Description>
s [S]elect Port
n Goto [N]ext Port
p Goto [P]revious Port
h [H]elp for legends
i Set Port V[I]D
t Toggle VLAN [T]agging Mode (Inter-Switch Link)
m Set Port VLAN [M]ap
a [A]dd VLANs to Tagged Port
r [R]emove VLANs from Tagged Port
q Return to Previous Menu
6216M Book Page 13 Wednesday, January 27, 1999 5:26 PM