VLAN Management
Page 9-10
Table 9-2 VLAN Group Current Settings
Using the
Configuration Menu
The following subsections describe how to use the options of
the configuration menu to navigate to the desired group, set the
VID, set VLAN Name, add VLAN members, configure the
management VLAN, and display VLAN information. For details
on configuring VLAN port attributes (option c) see “VLAN Port
Attribute Configuration” later in this chapter.
Navigating to a
VLAN Group
The options s, n, and p take the user to the desired VLAN
Group. Use them to select a group, move to the next group, or
move to the previous group.
Help The option h displays VLAN Legend information.
Setting Description
VLAN Group xx Port
Members Settings
Untagged ports which are members of this
VLAN Group are represented as *. Tagged
member ports of this VLAN Group are
represented as T and non-member ports are
represented as -. The values [01] and [09]
mean starting port numbers at that point.
VLAN Group This represents the VLAN Group number; a
value between 1 and 15. This value cannot be
changed by the user.
VLAN Name Represents the current name of the VLAN
Group. If the user has not configured a name
for a VLAN Group, the display shows <null>
next to this field. It accepts the first 32
characters given by the user.
VID This field represents the current VID of the
VLAN Group. The user can set this value in
the range 2 - 4094.
Note: User cannot change the VID of the
Default VLAN, which by default is equal to 1.
MGMT Access This field indicates if Switch Management
can be accessed in this VLAN Group or not.
6216M Book Page 10 Wednesday, January 27, 1999 5:26 PM