4.1. Pre-Flight Inspection
It is important to carry out a proper pre-flight inspection failure to do so or perform an
incomplete inspection could be the cause of an accident. The manufacturer recommends
using the following procedure:
4.1.1. Procedures Before Entering the Cockpit
1. Check ignition - turned off.
2. Check main switch – turned off
3. Check the wings, wing surfaces ailerons and flaps, clearances, hinges and connections
of the controls, security of the wing pins, Pitot tube.
4. Check the tail surfaces, elevator and rudder for secure connections, clearances and free
5. Check the fuselage, the surface and state.
6. Check the landing gear, laminate springs, security of main and front wheels, their
covers, screws and nuts, proper tire pressure, break function.
7. Engine – the state of fastening of the engine covers, the state of the engine bed, intact
fuel, oil and cooling system hoses, the fuel system drain.
8. Propeller – the surface state, if it is intact, the state and fastening of the propeller cone.
9. Canopy – control of fastening and proper locking of the canopy, correct functioning
and condition of the electrical installation of instruments, the state of the flight
instruments, control of the fuel level, proper functioning of controls.
Before entering the cockpit step on the marked foot-path on the wing only. Stepping
outside the marked area especially on the flap may damage the airframe seriously
4.1.2 Procedures After Entering the Cockpit
1. Check foot-operated controls
2. Check brakes – brakes on
3. Check hand - operated controls
4. Check flaps
5. Check engine controls
6. Check fuel valve
7. Check fuel level indicator
8. Check main switch – turned off
9. Check ignition – turned off
10. Check instruments – state, zero positions, adjust altimeter
4.2. Procedures Before Starting the Engine and Starting the Engine
1. Rescue system - unlock
2. Safety belts - fasten
3. Close the canopy and secure
4. Turn on the fuel valve