7.7. Fuel System
The fuel system is formed by an integral fuselage tank with a fuel drain. Double fuel supply
circuit with a spare electric pump. The pressure of supplied fuel is measured with a fuel-
pressure gauge. The fuel reserve 10 l at flight position is indicated by control light.
7.8. Instrument Equipment
The instrument equipment consists of basic instruments for flight control, engine control and
navigation. The static and total pressure is taken from the Pitot tube at the bottom of the port
7.9. The Sense of Motion of the Control Elements
Foot-operated control
By pressing the left pedal, the aeroplane turns left when mowing at sufficient speed on the
ground or in the air, and vice versa.
Hand-operated control
By pulling the control stick towards the pilot, the nose lifts up (the angle of incidence
increases) and the aeroplane climbs. By pushing the control stick, the aeroplane descends. By
deflecting the control stick to left, the aeroplane banks to left, and vice versa.
Wing flaps
By switching over the flap change-over switch to I, II, III or OFF position, the flaps are
moved to corresponding deflection by electric actuator. Each position is indicated by LED
control light.
The engine throttle
By moving the throttle in the flight direction, the engine power increases, and vice versa.
Choke lever backwards – the choke is turned on
Choke lever forwards – the choke is turned off