Driving Unit
Propeller manufacturer ………………... Josef Faturik
Type of propeller ……………… FITI ECO COMPETITION 2 blade, 3-blade
Engine manufacturer …………………… Bombardier – ROTAX GmbH
Type of engine …………………… ROTAX 912 UL 80 HP
Take-off power …………………… 59,6 kW / 80 HP / 5800 RPM
Maximum continuous power …………… 58 kW / 78 HP / 5500 RPM
Cruising power …………………… 37,7 kW / 51 HP / 4800 RPM
Engine Speed
Maximum take-off engine speed ….… 5800 RPM / 5 minutes maximum
Max. continuous engine speed ……. 5500 RPM
Cruising engine speed ……. 4800 RPM
Idling ……. 1400 RPM approximately
Oil Temperature
Minimum ……………………………. 60°C
Operational optimum ……………………. 90 - 110°C
Maximum ……………………………. 140°C
Temperature of Engine Cylinders
Minimum ……………………………. 60°C
Maximum ……………………………. 150°C
Oil Pressure
Minimum ……………………………. 0,8 bar
Operational ……………………………. 2,0 – 2,5 bar (over 3500 RPM)
Maximum short time operated by cold start 7,0 bar
Fuel Pressure
Maximum ……………………………. 0,4 bar
Minimum ……………………………. 0,2 bar
Operational Temperature
Maximum ……………………………. 50°C
Minimum ……………………………. -25°C
Fuel Type ……………………………. See Art. 2.9.
Oil Type
Any branded oil for 4 stroke motorcycle engines with gearbox additives. Power class SF, SG
+ GL4 or GL5.
ROTAX 912 UL is not certificate as an aircraft engine and a failure may occur
whenever. The pilot is fully responsible for consequence of engine failure