KA9233 User Manual
The Graphical OSD
The menus at the top of the Graphical OSD are described in the table below:
The icons at the top of the Graphical OSD are described in the table below:
Menu Description
View Clicking the View menu opens the View screen, which allows the
user to set screen viewing options. (See Setting the OSD View,
page 24.)
Settings Clicking the Settings menu opens the Settings screen. Users can
change their account passwords; they also can set the OSD
activation keys, time to logout, and screen blanker, as well as turn
on and off both the hotkey commands and the beeper, and set the
idle timeout. (See Configuring OSD User Settings, page 27.)
Administration Clicking the Administration menu opens a pop-up menu. From this
menu, administrators and super administrators can manage
users, ports, and stations. In addition, super administrators can
manage groups, configure the network settings, set the date and
time, broadcast, and view the system information for the matrix
KVM switch. (Administration is discussed in Chapter 5.)
Skip/Scan Clicking the Skip/Scan menu starts Auto Scan mode.
(See Skipping and Scanning Attached Computers, page 23.)
Search Clicking the Search menu opens the Search screen. The user can
search for computers and stations on the matrix KVM switch
installation. (See Searching for Ports and Stations, page 64.)
Icon Description
UPGRADE The Super Administrator can click this icon to upgrade the
firmware version of the KA9233. (See Upgrading Firmware,
page 65.)
LOG Clicking the Log icon opens the Event Log screen, which allows
administrators to view all of the events that took place on the
matrix KVM switch system. (See Viewing and Clearing the Log
File, page 71.)
LOGOUT Clicking the Logout icon closes the user's session.
HELP Clicking the Help icon opens the KA9233 help file.