Chapter 3. Operation
View Mode
Use this function to broaden or narrow the scope of ports that are listed on the
Port Status screen and in the tree. The submenu choices and their meanings are
given in the table below:
Set Port ID
When a user switches ports from the OSD, a port ID is shown. The table below
explains the choices:
Choice Meaning
Personal Some console modules have the option to set the OSD list to
display only those ports that the user has set as Personal. The
KA9233 does not support this feature. If you set the view as
Personal, the KA9233 will instead display all accessible ports.
However, when using a console module that supports this feature,
only ports that have been set as Personal will be displayed. (See
SET PERSONAL VIEW in the matrix KVM switch
user manual.)
Accessible The OSD lists only those ports that the user is permitted to access.
See Managing Port Access, page 58.
Accessible +
The OSD lists only those ports that the user is permitted to access
and that have their attached computers powered on.
Choice Meaning
Tag Mode Selects how the Port ID is displayed: the Port Number alone (ID);
the Port Note alone (Port Name); or the Port Number plus the Port
Note (ID + Port Name). The default is ID + Port Name.
ID Position Defines where the Port ID appears on the monitor. The options are
Upper left, Upper right, Lower left, Lower right, and Other. If
you select Other, enter horizontal and vertical coordinates in the X
and Y fields. The default is Upper left.