Chapter 5. Administration
Viewing and Clearing the Log File
The log file is a record of events that happen in the Graphical OSD. It records
events such as logins and logouts. Each entry is recorded with the date and time
at which the event happened. Only Super Administrators and Administrators
can view and clear the log file.
To view the log file:
1. Click the Log icon. The Event Log screen appears.
2. Select one of the following three ways to view log file events:
Today: Select this option to view only events that happened today.
All: Select this option to view all events in the log file.
Range: Select this option to view events that happened over a period of
one or more days. Enter the beginning date in the From field and the
ending date in the To field. Enter the date in Arabic numerals, year
first, then the month, followed by the day. The year must carry four
digit places, while the month and day each must carry two digit places.
The year, month, and day each must be separated by a hyphen. For
example, December 5th, 2005, should be written 2005-12-05.