Report Generation
Reset Log Option
To restart the call information gathering process, press
F8 (CHG-KEYS) to
display the alternate key labels. Then press
Phone Line Usage Print Option
To obtain a complete printout of the Phone Line Usage Report, make sure that
the Voice System has all the proper printer connections. (Refer to the AT&T
FACE documentation for additional information on how to establish printer
operations.) Press
F8 (CHG-KEYS) to display the alternate key labels. Then
Subscribers Over Mailbox Limit Report
The Subscribers Over Mailbox Limit Report provides information on those
subscribers who have exceeded their message space limit. The report includes
the mailbox size, which is a variable in FAX Attendant R2.1.1. Subscribers who
have reached their message limit hear a warning message whenever they dial
into the Voice Mail service.
Subscribers Over Mailbox Print
To obtain a complete printout of the Subscribers Over Mailbox Limit Report press
F2 (PRINT). From the alternate function keys in the Subscribers Over Mailbox
Limit Report window, press
F2 (PRINT). Make sure the Voice System has all
the proper printer connections. Refer to the AT&T FACE documentation for
additional information on how to establish printer operations.
Most Recent Audit
The Most Recent Audit report lists any errors found while verifying the speech
files during system startup. (It also lists status information reported during the
audit process.) The Message Speech File (talkfile 46), the Custom Prompt and
Automated Attendant Speech File (talkfile 47), the Fax Call Answer Prompts
Speech File (talkfile 56), and the Fax Response Voice Prompts (talkfile 57) are
audited. Use the Most Recent Audit report whenever the system reboots or the
voice system is restarted to check the status of your system. If there are any
problems with your system, the Most Recent Audit report will list the words
‘‘missing’’ or ‘‘error’’ after checking each speechfile. If one of these words
appears, call your AT&T Services Technician or AT&T Authorized Dealer.
Most Recent Audit Print Option
To obtain a complete printout of the Most Recent Audit Report, make sure that
the Voice System has all the proper printer connections. (Refer to the AT&T
FACE documentation for additional information on how to establish printer
operations.) Press
F8 (CHG-KEYS) to display the alternate keyset. Then press