
parameter administration
fax account code, 2-5
general Fax System, 3-6
switch interface, 2-4
system, 2-4
Personal Fax Extensions, 1-4
personal fax number subscribers, 2-8
phone line usage report, 6-5
Plain Paper Printing, 1-6
FAX Attendant, 2-1
Fax Response Service, 2-11
subscriber administration, 2-7
Power-On Self Test, 7-2
print option
event report, 6-12
fax channel utilization report, 6-4
Fax Response Usage report , 6-4
Fax Subscriber Usage, 6-5
mailbox usage, 6-5
most recent audit report, 6-7
phone line usage report, 6-7
subscribers over mailbox limit, 6-7
subscriber database, 3-32
printing menus, 4-8
printing the fax coversheet, 4-25
Data Base Initialization (DBINIT), B-23
Error Tracker (ET), B-15
Fax Data Interface, B-45
Maintenance (MTC), B-20
Switch Information Data Interface, B-47
Tip/Ring Interface Process (TRIP), B-23
Transaction State Machine (TSM), B-6
User Applications (APP), B-25
Voice Response Output Process(VROP), B-10
purpose and scope, ix
reaching the reports menu, 6-1, 6-2
rebooting the UNIX System, 5-9
receiving faxes confidentially, 1-4
recording a custom goodbye message, 4-22
recording a custom touch-tone gate prompt, 4-20
recording a general mailbox greeting message, 3-47
recording announcements messages, 4-13
recording custom fax call answer greetings, 3-44
recording custom fax mail greetings, 3-43
recording faxmenu, 4-13
recording menu, 4-13
recording the main menu, 4-12
refresh rate
changing, 5-11
refresh window, A-7
service administrator, 3-32
related documents, xiii
Release 2.1.1
feature enhancements, 1-6
Remote Retrieval of Fax Messages, 1-4
remote site fax messages, 1-4
removing faxmenus, 4-33
removing menus, 4-30
removing subscriber profiles, 3-31
removing subscribers, 3-30
renumbering extensions, 3-29
report generation, 6-1
accessing, 6-8
event log, 6-9
event log options, 6-10
FAX Attendant, 6-1
FAX attendant, 6-2
fax channel utilization, 6-4
Fax Response Usage, 6-4
fax response usage, 6-4
mailbox usage, 6-5
most recent audit, 6-7
phone line usage, 6-7
reset log option, 6-4
subscribers over mailbox limit, 6-7
Reports error messages, B-41
reports menu
reaching, 6-1, 6-2
reset log option, 6-4, 6-5, 6-7
resetting the voice system, 5-8
restoring files, 5-12
system planning, 2-1
selecting greetings, 3-43, 3-45
selecting the goodbye message, 4-22
selecting touch-tone gate prompts, 4-21
send fax messages