Report Generation
— Message Delivery Process (DIP21) delivers voice mail messages
— Administration Process (UNKNOWN) provides user interface for
administration messages 5100-5149.
— DCP Communications Process (DIP27) interface process for DCP
board messages 5150-5199.
— Reports Process (DIP3) collects data for reports messages 5200-
— Outcalling Data Interface Process (DIP31) manages outcalling for
new voice mail messages 5250-5299.
— Switch Information Data Interface Process (DIP24) provides
information to scripts for switch integration messages 5400-5499.
Msg_id is the number given to each error message.
Many error messages exist on the Voice System to help you identify
problems. To obtain additional informational text on any of the error
messages, press
F8 (CHG-KEYS) and then press
When the Explain form appears, enter the message identification number
you want to have explained and press
F2 (SAVE). The Explanation of
Event Message text window appears with an explanation regarding the
message specified. Press
F6 (CANCEL) twice to return to the Event Log
Report window.
Target is currently not used by the Voice System.
Event Log Report Options
With the
F1 (OPTIONS) key in the Event Log Report window, you can specify
the system error messages that you want to include in the Event Log Report.
F8 CHG-KEYS) to display the alternate key labels. Then press
(OPTIONS) to display the Options for Event Log Report window. This window
contains the following fields:
Number of Event Messages limits the number of event messages to be
searched. If the "all" value is used, the Voice System searches through
all event messages. No limit is placed on what is to be searched when
‘‘all’’ is used in this field, but only about 500 messages are kept on the
Date enables you to obtain event messages for a particular date. For
example, entering ‘‘02/05’’ limits the search to event messages that
occurred on February 5.
Use the format ‘‘mm/dd’’ for month and day. If the date field is left blank,
the ‘‘all’’ value is used.
Message Priority tells the Voice System that you want to see only event
messages with a particular priority status. If the field is left blank, the ‘‘all’’
value is used. Priorities are: